CopyPaste : Putaran Hidup GIF
Assalamualakium korangg.. sihatt tak?? hari nie alis nak share satu GIF nie.. GIF nie mmg sedih .. Macam nie laa kehidupan kite .. SEDIIHH.. :'(.. alis jumpe GIF niee masa alis blogwalking blog
CIK FAFA.. Jum ramai-ramai singgah blog
CIK FAFA .. blog die comel.. ^-^..
hahahaha sempat lagi promote. xD
Jangan lupe pasang lagu sedih tau.. hehe xoxo
Thank You for reading my stories and Maaf bagi penggunaan "AKU" kepada yang lebih dewasa :)
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Wanna me to be ur sponsor>>
Cari sponsor untuk giveaway? Contest? Segment? ALIS boleh bantu~ Tapi dengan 3 syarat muehehehew mula-mula follow this step carefully ya?
Barangan yang Alis boleh sponsor ialah.. Header dengan review blog shj.. :)
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Dan hantar kepada ALIS melalui; (pilih satu, kalau tempat lain tak akan dilayan)
Alice Natasha
Wechat; Alis_natasha
Dengan syarat; *must/wajib/mesti
1) Perserta follow blog ALIS
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fan page ALIS
3) Perserta follow twitter ALIS and Click add ALIS
Amacam boleh?? Pasal quantiti ALIS TAK KESAH .. :D
Thank To Them
All The Templete Info
A whole day of hard work. A round applause for;
Template fully designed and edited by
Qistina.Re for helping with the base codes.
Wana ,
Afiqah and
FHazwani for inspiring me in editing and designing.
Babydoll, smiley.
Hanaro, bullets.
Got the cute doodle at my header from
Pictures used by
tumblr& backgrounds from uncle
google, Ripping and stealing will being a huge shame toy in the future so don't ever did it.
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